Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Some more photos from Barcelona. These ones are from Montserrat, a monastery in the mountains about 45 minutes with train from Barcelona.
We "climbed" all the way up to the top where there were some caves where the hermits used to live. I was a little bit scared at the time but not so much... the next couple of days though I had horrible nightmares of falling down the mountain and woke up terrified realising afterwards how dangerous it really was. I mean those caves were really old and they might just fall apart at any time... The cable car was pretty cool as well. I was a bit scared though. My legs were shaking when I got out at the top. In a nice way...

Look how Alex just leans in that fence so relaxed... What if it had just fallen off? It was just a big steep slope behind it and on the bottom - lots of rocks! uuuh I get chilles from seeing that picture...

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