Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I'm imploding.

My soul and body are melted into one big grey mass with a desperate "no feeling" except the anticipation of disaster.
I feel like I need to get up on a mountaintop and scream and scream and scream and cry out all this anxiety... with no one to tell me to calm down or comfort me but someone who will let me just scream and be upset. I need to be upset. But there's no room for that right now so it will have to wait.

So I'm sitting here in work... slowly imploding. And that scream will turn inwards and rip up everything in its way.

That's how it feels.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

better to scream loud and long instead of spending years in threapy for holding your feelings inside... it's ok to cry, it put emotions in perspective

hope you feel better soon