Thursday, November 27, 2008


The information day at Griffith was pretty good. I sat down with one of the teachers who told me more about what all the different classes are about. He took some examples of things they get to do and told me I would have enough social studies included in the course and it wont be necessary to take any extra ones. So that is good.
He also reassured me that I wont have any problems with not being born Irish because most examples they take from society are fictional (like they would use Springfield as an example) and other than that everyone needs to do research.

He actually thought that most students from Sweden have it a bit easier with certain things because in upper secondary school we get to learn how to put in references in our essays and how to write an essay the correct way etc.
Then we learn basic IT stuff like power point and excel in school and they don't get to do that at all here apparently!

Anyway I left feeling more sure than ever that this is going to be really really hard but above all it's the right thing to do for me and I am going to love it! :)

Can't wait for it!

Using my brain again! It's going to be great...

haha in like a year and a half I'm going to read this and go "What was I thinking??? I don't ever want to use my brain again!!!"

Well... hopefully not...


Tuesday, November 25, 2008


So I got in to Griffith College. I'm going there tomorrow for an open day and I'll be able to ask all my questions and hopefully feel a bit wiser on everything afterwards.
I have a lot of thoughts about studying and this is what I think...

I am really looking forward to starting college. I hope I picked the right thing for me to do. Journalism and Visual Media.
It basically means that I will be able to combine photography and writing and then when I start my career I can choose to do a bit of both or focus on what feels right at the time. I have three years to try it out so I should be able to make up my mind by then.
I might take some extra classes in other things once I’ve finished this degree though. If I still feel like studying I might do a minor in social psychology and/or behavioural psychology.
It interests me a lot and I think it could really help when working as a Journalist. Also I really need to get better at History and Geography… I totally didn’t care back in school and mostly know about the history of fascist movements – mostly in Sweden – and that’s not even up to date so it wouldn’t really help me here.
It might be enough to get some books on it and read on my own – I don’t think I really need a diploma in it. I should wish for that for Christmas. Maybe an atlas and some sort of summary of modern history for a start… a book that tells history globally and with an overview.
In school we always read about either one country at the time or one war at the time – which to me felt so out of context. It made it hard to grasp and understand why and how things happened. The important thing to me is to understand the whole picture and that one action in one country effects the actions in another... like a cause and consequence sort of history telling. That is how our drama teacher used to teach us. It happened sometimes that we sat through a whole lesson where we should have been practising Shakespeare and instead she would tell us the whole cause and effect of something we were all confused about in History or Religion or whatever – and I learned more in those classes than anywhere else because she told it logically and the big deal wasn’t memorising dates but to really understand why things happen the way they do and how they come about. That is the whole point in knowing history. To know roughly the dates is of course important in some ways too but I think that part will come naturally once you get an understanding of what happened.

So! If anyone can find me a book like that, please tell me!!! I have no idea where to even start looking.

Now I’m going to read The Irish Times and try figure out what happened with whole financial crisis – where did all the money go? If everyone is loosing money someone must be getting some more somewhere. Someone must have them… Or were they really just numbers on a screen after all? Like I always said… :)


Friday, November 21, 2008



I got it I got it I got it!!!


Yay this lovely girl (in the middle) just texted me saying she's in town!

I suspected her to be gone forever but meeting for pints later. Nice.


Monday, November 17, 2008


Things like this makes me happy:

even if the music is a bit cheesy... :)


I was cleaning my room yesterday.
Getting rid of some ugly clothes and some books I've finished. I was rearranging the furniture and now I have a space to paint. I have an empty canvas waiting for me as well. Happiness :)
Drama class tonight and meeting Lena for coffee before that I think. Nice day.

Feeling better.
