Thursday, November 27, 2008


The information day at Griffith was pretty good. I sat down with one of the teachers who told me more about what all the different classes are about. He took some examples of things they get to do and told me I would have enough social studies included in the course and it wont be necessary to take any extra ones. So that is good.
He also reassured me that I wont have any problems with not being born Irish because most examples they take from society are fictional (like they would use Springfield as an example) and other than that everyone needs to do research.

He actually thought that most students from Sweden have it a bit easier with certain things because in upper secondary school we get to learn how to put in references in our essays and how to write an essay the correct way etc.
Then we learn basic IT stuff like power point and excel in school and they don't get to do that at all here apparently!

Anyway I left feeling more sure than ever that this is going to be really really hard but above all it's the right thing to do for me and I am going to love it! :)

Can't wait for it!

Using my brain again! It's going to be great...

haha in like a year and a half I'm going to read this and go "What was I thinking??? I don't ever want to use my brain again!!!"

Well... hopefully not...


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