Wednesday, February 4, 2009


For the last two days Ireland and the UK has been in a complete shock from the snow that has been falling here.
To be honest it is a bit laughable for me since I am used to much much much worse "real" Swedish snow storms. it's not even that bad here... only like 10 cm of snow at the most. I know it's a bit worse in the country and in the UK but not as bad as they make it out to be.
Not to be a bitch about it or anything but it is a bit funny... Loads of schools have closed - buses aren't running - the underground was closed in London - I mean, the underground! How is that even affected by the snow?!
It's just silly really.
I know they aren't used to it and they don't have dubdecks on the cars and blah blah but what the real reason is here in Dublin is that people are too lazy to walk to the bus-stop like they usually do and take the bus. It's almost like they think the snow is some sort of acid that will kill them if they walk in it...
So they take the car - and so does a couple of thousand other lazy people - and that's a recepie for mental traffic - that is what creates the chaos. Not the snow.

The snow here in Dublin is long gone now anyway. It snowed loads but melted as soon as it hit the ground. And then it rained like it was never going to stop during the night so everything was flushed away.

I miss the Swedish proper snow a bit. You know when you walk in the snow and it does that squeeky noise from being compressed under the shoes. It's a real comfort thing for me - so many childhood memories are connected with that sound.
I was really happy when the snow started falling because I saw in my mind how I could have a snowball fight and build a snowman and all that...
Those dreams were flushed away pretty quickly!

The forecast was for more snowy showers (that's what they call it) tonight but it looks fine to me... I think the wind changed. The sky is blue and it's warm so tonight I am going out to Celbridge to hang out in Alexs house and watch a film. If we get snowed in for real I wont be able to go to work tomorrow so I wouldn't mind - but I know it wont happen. Just my luck.

Other news: I am looking for a studio apartment because I want to live on my own and I need something closer to Griffith College since I am starting there in September. I want to get a cat aswell so I'm going to try and find something where I can have a pet. It's not allowed in most places.

I will be a crazy catlady - you just wait and see! :)

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