Thursday, February 19, 2009


When I feel particularly homesick I go in to this website where I can watch the webcam over my hometown.
It is funny becasue it is a bit like spying on people - I don't think that most people know that it's there at all. Here's a clip:

The picture changes once every minute and apparently there's snow at the moment... :) Nice.

Other news: I have been looking into where to go this summer. My original plan was very blurry. I was thinking about Palestine but feel now that I would prefer something else.

My next thought was India but I realised that at the time I would go it would be mad hot there - around 40 degrees Celsius! No thanks.
So my next thought was Indonesia but with the current warnings about going there and reading about it, for some reason it just didn't feel right.
Right now I'm leaning towards Malaysia - Borneo. It seems amazing in many ways - and very safe (and cheap of course) so my mom wouldn't have to worry. I really would prefer to go with a friend though. Anyone who wants to go with me?
If I do go on my own I would probably meet loads of people and it would be great for my selfesteem and I think it is something I would be very proud of. I just don't know if I am brave enough.
It's hard for me when everything isn't planned out but I don't want to go with a hord of other people (touristy americans in particular) and being scuffed around like cattle on it's way to being fed... I want to do it budget and for real. I know it will be scary but once I've done it I will be so happy about it.

Picture taken by Mark Daffey
Lonely Planet photographer

© Copyright Lonely Planet Images 2008

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