Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So Barrack Obama is now President of the USA. Hurray.
The world is struck by Obamania and people seem to think he's Jesus and will be able to perform nothing short of a miracle. I would not like to be him at the moment. The expectations on him are just unreal.
Now, I'm not saying that it isn't good that he is the new President. I sure am happy that he won and not John McCain. But, I think we have to remember that he's only a human being. Also it is not a revolution and the difference in his politics to the rest of the world probably wont be that big. The biggest change and I think that the happiest moment for me yesterday was to see George W Bush being put in a helicopter and sent home. Out of the White House. Not a day to soon.
As an American citizen said when he was interviewed by Sky News last night: "It can't get any worse than it was before."

But what we have to remember is that even if some people want us to believe that what happened in the US was something in the likes of a socialist revolution the truth is that some of the administration from Bush's regime still remains in the White House. The people responsible for the Iraq war for example. This is a very strong signal that they will not be held responsible for the lies and the warcrimes commited and it certinly brings any hope for change in US foreign politics down to a minimum.

I'm also very interested in seeing how he will go ahead with the closing of Guantanamo Bay. I think the only thing honorable is for the US to take responsibility for the people there and give them a real trial with a proper defence and then make sure that the innocent people are taken care of by the US. It's the least they can do.

But I think there is something that is very important to remember:

"I am not a liberator. Liberators do not exist. The people liberate themselves."
Ernesto Che Guevara

and this is what the pundit kitchen says:

Only time will tell...

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