Tuesday, January 6, 2009



God I feel like shit. Serious whining warning here, whining ahead.

So on Saturday I got the vomiting disease and was sick and couldn't move from the bathroom for about 6 hours. Kept getting sick for another couple of hours and basically haven't recovered since. Still can't eat. Feel so sick all the time and last night I couldn't sleep at all either. I just want it to be over. I want to be better. I just want to be healthy and be able to sleep so I can be a happy and nice person. Right now I am so annoyed and tired and I'm angry at everyone and everything.

I hate hate hate being sick. I hate vomiting. Vomiting must be kharmas way of instantly giving us a little taste of hell. I always feel I must have done something terribly wrong and start analysing myself and my actions so I can justify why i got so sick.

I lost about 5 kilos - and I do NOT need to loose weight so it's not good. I am weak and tired and whiny.

I hate myself and my body that is controlling me like this.

I just want to be better. Make me better... Please!

This is not the way I wanted to start the new year!

1 comment:

Caindia said...

The good thing about the vomiting disease is that it is OK to say:
"Don't worry. Everything's gonna be OK." Cause it is, very soon! No kidding! (I had it at Xmas last year...nice!) /Ida